300 years of the Principality of Liechtenstein
The Principality of Liechtenstein marks its 300th anniversary on 23 January 2019. Through the special stamp “300 Years of Liechtenstein” (face value: CHF 6.30), Philately Liechtenstein made an exclusive contribution to this historic occasion. For the first time in history, it issued an embroidered stamp. The anniversary stamp is self-adhesive and is presented in the shape of a Princely hat. It was made by the embroidery firm Hämmerle & Vogel in Lustenau, Austria.
In 1719, Emperor Karl VI united lands owned by Prince Hans Adam I of Liechtenstein, i.e. the county of Vaduz and the dominion of Schellenberg, and elevated them to form the Principality of Liechtenstein.
The House of Liechtenstein, from which the primcipality takes its name, is the family which reigns by constitutional, hereditary right over the nation of Liechtenstein . Only dynastic members of the family are eligible to inherit the throne. The dynasty's membership, rights and responsibilities are defined by a law of the family, which is enforced by the reigning Prince and may be altered by vote among the family's dynasts, but which may not be altered by the Government or Parliament of Liechtenstein.
A ditch called the “Scheidgraben” is located between the two parts of the country which are today divided into the highland part (“Oberland”) and the lowland part (“Unterland”). This is where the residents of all eleven municipalities of the country met to march together and celebrate the unification in 1719 on the jubilee day, which is also the issue date of this special stamp.
Artistic photography - Bird’s eyes
Date of issue : 16-08-2018
Photographer Sven Beham presents the eyes of indigenous birds from an artistic perspective. Three of these birds eyes adorn the new special stamps typographically designed by Hans Peter Gassner.
Thanks Ruedi for this nice cover !
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