Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Baby Christ market in Austria

A very beautiful cover from Austria ! 

Christkindl Market / Christ Child Market is a street marketassociated with the celebration of Christmas during the four weeks of Advent. These markets originated in Germany, but are now being held in many other countries. In Austria, Vienna's "December market" can be considered a forerunner of Christmas markets and dates back to 1298. In many towns in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, Advent is usually ushered in with the opening of the Christmas market or "Weihnachtsmarkt". In southern Germany, Switzerland and Austria, it is called a "Christkind(e)l(s)(i)markt"

The Christmas markets in Vienna truly are an age-old tradition. The forerunners of the present-day events date back to the Middle Ages when in 1298 Albrecht I granted Vienna's citizens the privilege of holding a December Market or "Krippenmarkt". Since then, the character and prevalence of these markets has changed considerably. Nowadays, over 20 official Advent Markets sell a vast array of seasonal gifts and mouth-watering treats.

Since 1950, about two million letters and cards stamped with the special Christkindl postmark have been sent around the world each year before Christmas. The golden via Christkindl sticker ( on the left side of the cover ) - when stuck on the cover , the cover gets redirected to the Christkindl markets and a hand stamped postmark is placed on the cover . The designs of the postmark is changed every year ! 

Thanks Tom for this beautiful cover with the lovely cancellations ! 

One of the stamp honours the 200th anniversary of the most famous carol - Silent Night and the other one is the Austrian Christmas stamp of 2018 

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