Thursday, July 19, 2018

Birds of Moldova

A cover from Moldova ! The cover has crinkled at the bottom , and thankfully the stamps have been preserved ok.. beautiful stamps of different cute birds on the top and a row of stamps on fruits in the bottom row ! The entire cover looks like taken out of a forest in Moldova :)) 

The bird stamps - designed by Vladimir Melnic, issued on September 25, 2015 !
The four beautiful stamps of this series above are featuring four passerine species (common in much of Europe) in their natural environment, on branches of trees or shrubs.
*A Common starling (Sturnus vulgaris), "Graur" in Romanian (L 1.20, print run : 500,000),
*An Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula), "Mugurar" in Romanian (L 1.75, print run : 100,000),
* An Eurasian blue Tit (Parus caeruleus), "Piţigoi albastru" in Romanian (L 4, print run : 200,000) and 
*A Bohemian waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus), "Mătăsar" in Romanian (L 5.75, print run : 200,000) are the four species in the spotlight above - as single stamps . 
*The souvenir sheet of this series above (L 5.75, print run : 50,000) is devoted to a fifth species, the Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis), "Ciocîrlie-de-câmp" in Romanian.
That stamp shows a female off the nest and its young, this species nesting on the ground in the fields (2-3 broods per year). The female lays about 2-5 eggs and incubates them for 11 days, the young leaving the nest 10 days after hatching and flying definitely at the age of 3 or 4 weeks to live independently.

The fruit stamps - they are definitive issued in 2009 depicting Apricots (5 L)  , Pears ( 1.20 L)  , Black mulberries ( 85b)  and Walnuts ( 50b ) . 

The Moldovan currency is leu . 1 leu is made up of 100 bani.. The Romanian and the Moldovan leu derive their name from a Romanian word which means “lion” . 
The sender has used around 26 L for the envelope - which is around ₹110/- or USD 1.9 ! 

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