Monday, September 17, 2018

Irish patriotism

A surprise cover - and I didn’t definitely expect this stamp ! 

The stamp shows a poster of the world war-1 times calling men for war and also depicts the patriotism of the Irish men to defend their country. 

WWI recruiting poster depicting the "real Irish spirit", presumably as opposed to the unseemly urge for Home Rule agitation that was abroad in Ireland at this time? The recruitment poster shows a uniformed and armed British soldier on a lakeshore being accosted by a "traditionally-dressed" Irishman who tells the soldier of his intention to volunteer. Irish ecclesiastical ruins evident in the background. 

7,500 of these posters were issued by the Central Council for the Organisation of Recruiting in Ireland.

AN POST  launched two commemorative new stamps to mark the centenary of World War One in 2014.The two stamps ( €1 and 68c ) feature recruitment posters issued by the Central Council for the Organisation of Recruiting in Ireland that aimed to encourage Irish men to join the British war effort in Europe.

The stamps were designed by Irish designer Ger Garland.

Some of the British recruitment posters that were printed during the war times - while the entire Ireland was nearing a civil war , crying for independence - Britain was trying to recruit Irish men for war and also propagating for a unified nation ! 

Black legged kittiwake - Summer visitor to steep coastal cliffs along all Irish coasts. Disperses to the open ocean in winter and less frequently seen.

A small gull, slightly larger than Black-headed Gull, which is basically grey above and white below. Adults are easily told apart from other gull species by the solid black wing tips, showing no 'mirrors' (white at the wing tip), and two toned grey upperwing. Adult birds have a yellow bill and dark legs. Adults show white heads in the summer and a dark patch behind the eye in the winter. Juvenile and first year birds have a bold dark 'W-pattern' across the wing and a dark tail band, although these features can be much faded by the first summer/second winter. Second year birds are similar to adult birds but can show black fringes to outer primaries, black on the bill or winter head patterning in the summer months.

Thanks Fabio for the nice cover ! 

Update : 

The cancellation on the cover says - Remember to use your EIRCODE - what’s an EIRCODE ? 

The Eircode system means every single house in the country will have its own seven-digit code. The purpose of the system is to enable people and businesses to find every address in Ireland, as more than 35% of addresses in the old system were shared with at least one other property. The system was launched in 2015. 

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