Monday, October 1, 2018

General Post Office, Ireland

A postcard from Ireland - showing the magnificent GPO , Dublin . Thanks Fabio ! 

The General post office in Dublin is the headquarters of the An Post , Ireland. It is one of Ireland’s iconic buildings and carries with it remarkable history. 2018 marks the bicentennial anniversary of this historic monument. 

A stamp comommerating the 200th anniversary of the opening of the GPO was issued recently - thanks Fabio for this postcard and a matching stamp ! 

The stamp and the postcard shows the beautiful architecture in its full glory 

The GPO, though opened in 1818, was thrown into limelight in 1914 during the Easter Revolution ! 
The Irish citizen army under the leadership of Pearse , a school teacher and leader of the Irish Republicans staged a rebellion during the Easter week against the British rule. The British who were engaged in the First World War , was caught unawares , but still tried to suppress the rebellion . The GPO served as the headquarters of all the rebel activities during the week , when the Irish tricolour and a green flag with the inscription - Irish Republic were flown on top of the GPO building . 

Pearse read out the proclamation of the Irish Republic from the steps of the GPO! The GPO has a museum dedicated to the Easter Revolution ! 

Update - 04-10-2018

Today I received more covers and postcards from Fabio ! 

The postcard shows the bicentenary of the opening of the GPO stamp , but what’s more interesting is the fact that AnPost celebrates culture night on 21 September and offers postcards with free postage ! Thanks again Fabio for remembering me , while sending :) 

And one more fantastic cover with the GPO stamp ;) 

The definitives Of this cover are 
1. Irish Orchid - about which I have already written in a previous post

2. Primrose - 

A part of the wild flowers - definitives of 2004 
Primrose or Primula vulgarisOur little 'Sabhaircín' generally flowers from April to May when its pale yellow 2-3cm flowers with their deep yellow centres decorate grassy banks, woodlands and roadsides. Each flower has its own leafless stalk. Primrose has quite large, crinkled leaves – up to 12cm long – which taper gradually into the stalk. Like Primula veris, the Primrose has two types of flower on each plant – thrum-eyed and pin-eyed.  Thrum-eyed means that the stigma is shorter than the anthers, pin-eyed means the stigma is longer than the anthers and projects like a little pin.  This means that cross-fertilisation is far more likely to take place.  Visiting insects have the pollentransferred onto different parts of their bodies depending on which type of flower they visit and then they in turn transfer that pollen to the other type of flower.  This plant belongs to the family Primulaceae.

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